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House Cleaning – New Blog at

The death of a parent is one of those life changing events that you don’t fully understand until you experience it. Like having a baby, there is no way to understand the depth of the feelings you will experience until you actually do.

So as to allow myself the freedom to still write about that experience, and to ensure that Marketing & Fundraising Ideas stays focused on its raison d’etre (excuse my French), I have started a new blog. will focus on my mother’s life, the lessons I learned from her, and what I learn from the experience of the Jewish tradition of a full /component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,flypage.tpl/product_id,46/category_id,6/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,4/”>where can i get cialis year of mourning for a parent.

If your interested, please feel free to joion me there on occaision. Now this blog will return to its main focus on Marketing and Fundraising Ideas. Thank you for sharing in this journey with me for the past few weeks.